Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sacramento Internship - Nicholas Steil

The 24 hour train ride was well worth the time with the amount of knowledge that was gained in return. I didn't know on the way to Sacramento that I would accomplish so much. The trip for me was about two things: a graded internship and advocating for students across the state. I went in wanting to learn how things work in the real world in regards to politics on the state level and I am satisfied to say that I was offered a large dose of reality. The group had the opportunity to speak with Consultants, Lobbyists, Assembly Members and Senators among others. Every one was researching a particular theme in policy and my focus was on the topic of education, especially disadvantaged student support programs and services. I was able to ask many questions that will not only help me with the term paper but also allow me to plan the next step in the LaSTS project, which is to draft and get sponsorship on a a bill.

Through my work on the SBCC Student Senate I have found a passion for representing my fellow students. I feel very blessed to be in the position I am in since it is based on being elected. I feel it is my duty to be in tune with our campus but also to be knowledgeable in the practices of a senator. This trip allowed me to expand on the latter of the two.
I now know a great deal more about our state government and the gears that make it work and I plan to keep on striving toward my goal of being a member of the United States Congress.

Nicholas Steil

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